‘There are bigger problems than watching football’ Kroos provides update on Real Madrid quarantine

Real Madrid midfielder Toni Kroos says there are "more concerning issues than watching football" as he gave a report on his isolate circumstance. 

Madrid's players are as of now at home as a precautionary measure after it was reported that an individual from the club's ball group had contracted Covid-19. 

The two crews share numerous offices in the Spanish capital, including the container and hydrotherapy conveniences, which means some of Zinedine Zidane's players might be tainted as well. 

The club's preparation ground was sent into lockdown after the declaration, with La Liga then deferring in any event the following two rounds of matches, refering to Madrid's isolate as one reason behind their choice. 

From that point forward, the Champions League, Europa League and Euro 2020 have all been delayed, just as the other top-flight alliances across Europe. 

Kroos showed up by means of FaceTime on German syndicated program Late Night Berlin to clarify the circumstance the players are as of now experiencing. 

"'Genuine stars in isolate' - that consistently sounds awful, however we are exactly at home," said the 30-year-old. 

"All is well. They appropriately sent us home after there was a positive case among our b-ball players, with whom we once in a while work moderately intently. 

"So it was reasonable to send us home. Me and my family are fine, no side effects. We are fit." 

"With 3 kids at home, it doesn't get exhausting. In the event that you look left and right, the primary concern is that we are progressing nicely." 

Since the beginning of their proposed 15-day isolate period, Madrid have likewise discovered that Euro 2020 will be deferred until 2021. Germany universal Kroos was set to assume a key job under Joachim Low in the competition this late spring, however says that such issues are of little significance contrasted with progressively difficult issues brought about by the infection. 

"No one knows when [football] will go on once more," included the midfielder. "Yet, you need to sincerely say that it is auxiliary. 

"At the point when football will be played again is at the base [of the rundown of priorities]. 

"The primary concern is the manner by which to get this imperceptible rival away again and how to return to typical. There are numerous other more concerning issues than watching football once more."

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